Saturday, November 20, 2010

BLOG #9 Five Things I am Thankful for

I am thankful for...
-Safety. Being alive, living in a safe neighborhood, sleeping under a roof.
-Health. Being mentally and physically healthy. Being able to eat healthy, think positively, and have good relationships with people.
-Education. Being able to get education, to have an access for information, to gain knowledge, to learn perspectives, and to explore ideas.  I am thankful to those educators who help me achieve my educational goals and enrich my life in many ways.
-Diversity. Living in New York City and being exposed to variety of cultures. Having lots of opportunities to  meet people from different countries and being open-minded.
-People. Being surrounded by wonderful people, friends, family, teachers, and my roommates, who I can respect and trust with each other and share some values.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cultivating your inner Jennifer Aniston: 9 Characteristics of Likeable People

This is just an off topic something, not a classwork.
Professor McCormick came to my mind when I read this...

9 Characteristics of Likeable People:
1. Being kind and considerate of others
2. Having a good sense of humor, liking to laugh, and having a ready smile
3. Being warm, friendly and outgoing
4. Being authentic and unpretentious
5. Being vivacious, perky and engaged in life
6. Having interests
7. Showing interest in others
8. Being relaxed and easygoing
9. Being easy to talk to and nonjudgmental

More at

Friday, November 12, 2010

BLOG #8 Editing

 Having edited a research paper of a student from English 101, I have realized an impact of subjectivity, both as a challenge in editing an individual’s paper and as an important material to improve my own paper.
As for editing, I found criticizing and editing someone’s paper much easier than doing so with my own paper. This is because when I review my own paper, I do so, mostly unconsciously, with my subjective lens and with all the background knowledge and information in my mind. I don’t really know much about editing but I just kept three things in my mind; what is a problem, why it is, and how it can be improved. I think that students usually know what they are good at, or their strengths. So I thought focusing solely on what can be improved was practical and effective. This person’s paper was written eloquently with decent organization and development. Just the unclear thesis and absence of an essay map made it difficult for me to follow his argument. He probably knows what he wanted to say about the topic. But it seems like somewhere between his mind and paper, the idea fails to be rephrased appropriately and objectively.
    Putting this editing experience into practice, I, too, must make a conscious effort to review my paper objectively. In writing a paper, I know what I want to say about a topic and I know details and information to support my thesis.  But the problem is that I am hardly aware of what other people may not know. I sometimes assume, or tend even not to assume, that some of the information I put in my paper is to be understood by all readers. Research paper is mostly on something quite specific or highly intellectual. Therefore, it is very important how to start and develop arguments. They have to be written in such a way as readers can follow smoothly these specific facts or complicated ideas that are being discussed. In my paper, there are paragraphs that start with terms, which can possibly get readers confused.    I need to pay close attention to the beginning sentences of each paragraph to see if they appropriately introduce the points and if they are simple and clear enough for readers to understand. Also I need to revise some unclear words, sentences and maybe examples that I use, as well as to start working on citation.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

BLOG #7 Body Paragraph 3

                               Response distortion 
   Some assumptions behind personality assessment, especially self-report questions, are important enough not to be ignored. The assessment assumes that respondents are aware of their characteristics, understand or interpret questions in the same way as others do and answer honestly and accurately. This may sound quite simple and fundamental, responses are always subject to a number of variables. Response set refers to the cases when respondents answer in certain ways to produce certain images of themselves. It includes overcautiousness being excessively cautious; extreme responding, tendency to give such extreme responses that even mentally disordered people may not do, such as choosing “strongly agree” or “strongly disagree” and avoid “slightly agree” or “slightly disagree”; and oppositionalism, tendency to respond oppositely to what they believe to be true. Among the response set, three most significant variables are acquiescence, defensiveness and social desirability. First, acquiescence is the tendency when one is in doubt or uncertain to agree (answer “yes” in yes/no question and answer “true” in true/false question) rather than disagree (answer “no” or “false”). For instance, an answer “yes” to a question item like “I consider myself as an intellectual person”, there are two possibilities in interpreting the “yes”. One is that the “yes” comes from the fact that the person is actually intellectual, while the other “yes” is simply a reflection of the person’s uncertainty if he or she is an intellectual person. The correlation between positive response (yes, true, agree) and such personality aspect as extroversion or stimulus acceptance are significantly high. The reason of this tendency to over respond “yes” to this kind of questions can be traced down to the linguistic character of English.  It is a characteristic of English language that asks certain kinds of questions in certain ways. We cannot ask certain questions in reverse form since then they sound awkward and clumsy. “Structural characteristic of our English language that the items asserting certain behaviors ordinary will be written to the keyed for “yes” answers” (). Secondly, defensiveness refers to deliberate efforts to produce certain results, mostly either by faking good or by faking bad.  One may be motivated to fake good to appear to be better adjusted than they actually are. Or one may be motivated to fake bad to appear to be more maladjusted than they actually are. For example, a person suing a next door neighbor for mental anguish caused by noise and environmental condition might be motivated to appear very distressed to the court-appointed psychologist. The most significant notion in response set is social desirability. Social desirability is generally defined as an unconscious tendency to respond in a socially desirable way to make a positive impression and to avoid negative impression. Some psychologists view this as trait in itself and use it to measure some other variables such as reflection of need for approval. It is also used as an important predictor variable to determine psychopathology or psychological health. This is because normal people respond to questions with social desirability, while mentally disordered people respond without social desirability. However, majority of psychologists see social desirability as errors and something that should be eliminated from the score. We learn to experience negative feelings, such as anxiety or guilt along with punishment and rejections from the society when our behaviors do not conform to social norm or expectation. We learn to experience positive feelings, such as pride and pleasure along with reward or acceptance when our behaviors are socially conformable. Therefore, with the obviousness of the “correct” answer, people are almost automatically made to respond in certain ways. For example, a true/ false question like, “Most of the time I see things positively”, you might answer “yes” even if you actually see things negatively most of the time because that tells that you are a well-adjusted person in this culture. People respond “not to the content of the item but to the kind of impression a “True” or “False” answer would create” (). Socially desirable behavior is connected to good adjustment and people, living in a society or in order to live in a society, are affected by how people see you and what society demands or expects you to be, which conceals the accurate essence of one’s personality. Response set becomes more significant when making important decisions about people’s lives, such as admission for certain schools, hiring, placing, promoting and firing employees, determining someone is not guilty by the reason of insanity, and allowing prisoners to be paroled. Inaccuracies are often introduced into the test scores by response set and assessments fail to capture the true essence of one’s personality, which they are intend to do so.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

BLOG #6 Revision

Revision of the first two body paragraphs
       Alexander Nininger, twenty-three years old then, was newly commissioned as a lieutenant in the United States Army and sent to the South Pacific to serve with the 57th Infantry of the Philippine Scouts. Quiet and thoughtful by nature, he loved theater, would spend many hours with a friend and often sit by the fireplace in the living room, having tea and listening to Tchaikovsky. When he went to serve in the South Pacific, he wrote a letter to a friend, saying that he had no feelings of hate and didn’t think that he could ever kill anyone out of hatred.  In January of 1942, when the Japanese attacked, slipping hundreds of snipers through the American lines, Nininger went to his commanding officer and told him that he wanted to be assigned to another company so he could go hunting for Japanese snipers. He carried several weapons such as grenades, ammunition belts, a Garand rifle and a submachine gun. He crawled through the jungle and shot and killed snipers. He was wounded in the leg but kept going, shooting Japanese snipers for the comrades behind him. He was wounded again but waved off a medic who tried to bring him back; he saw a Japanese bunker and two enlisted men up ahead. He kept charging at the bunker although he was shot in the shoulder. He killed one soldier with a double thrust of his bayonet, clubbed down the other, and bayoneted the officer. Then, with outstretched arms, he collapsed face down. He was awarded the Medal of Honor.
       How could we know Nininger’s personality beforehand? A man who loved theater and afternoon with tea and Tchaikovsky and who was so fearless and tenacious. Knowing one’s personality helps us predict one’s behavior. But asking Nininger himself or his friends to describe his personality would not be of any help. He did not even know that he was fearless. His friends would only recall him as a quiet and thoughtful person. Then, how can we get to the heart of one’s personality? There are twenty-five hundred kinds of personality tests based on each theory and testing is a four-hundreds-million-dollar-a year industry. However, a personality test cannot predict behavior for its theoretical issues, controversial aspects and problems regarding reliability, validity and limitations.
Content validity vs. Internal Consistency Reliability
     Validity is concerned about which characteristic is being assessed, for instance sociability or selfishness. One significant aspect regarding validity is content validity. It refers to component of questions in relation to a characteristic. An assessment with a high content validity has components of question items that are relevant to the characteristic that is being measured. Though it may seem easy to achieve a high content validity, choosing question items can be tricky and sometimes it is difficult to determine what kinds of content should be included in question items and what kinds of content should be excluded from them. Suppose that we are to measure sociability of individuals. We may include questions such as preference to spend free time with people rather than alone. But what about being good at speaking in public? Or tendency to initiate a conversation? Are those considered as one of the aspects of sociability or not? We can achieve high content validity by including question components that are relevant to a characteristic and by excluding those that are not relevant to it. Meanwhile, reliability refers to whether or not the data from an assessment is trustworthy. The most significant part in reliability is internal consistency reliability. It refers to whether question items of an assessment are accurately measuring the intended characteristic.  Using the same example, we would choose three question items to which individuals rate their liking with the scale of 0 to 10; disco, nightclub and party at a friend’s house. However, those three items are only partially measuring one’s sociability. More importantly, they are assessing some other variables that are unique to those items. The first item may probably measure one’s liking of music and dance, in addition to sociability. The second item may probably measure one’s liking of drinking, in addition to sociability. Finally, the third item may probably measure liking of homey atmosphere, again, in addition to sociability. In order to maximize the internal consistency reliability, we have to increase either the number of question items or the correlation of the questions. For instance, we can add some more question items such as liking of  local events or meeting new people. Now, the core elements of sociability are strengthened and unique elements of each question item are weakened. In this way, we achieve high internal consistency reliability. On the other hand, we can increase the correlation among question items. For instance, we can choose questions like preference to spend time with friends, preference to spend time with classmates and preference to spend time with coworkers. Then the correlation among these three items becomes quite high and it indicates that the characteristic is most likely presenting sociability, not the liking of music or alcohol. However, the solutions come with a new problem. Trying to achieve high internal consistency reliability, by increasing either the number of question items or the correlation among them, we are forced to sacrifice content validity instead.  In increasing the number of question items, the content of a characteristic is automatically being expanded since we would have to go further than a basic, core part of a characteristic to make  more question items. This means that components of the question items become less and less relevant to the content of the characteristic as we increase question items, resulting in a poor content validity. Meanwhile, in increasing the correlation, we have to choose very similar question items. This means that the question items would represent only a small part of the characteristic. Content of the characteristic is now very limited to only one specific aspect of the characteristic, also leading to a poor content validity. Content validity and internal consistency reliability cannot be high at the same time. Therefore, assessments always have to lack or compromise either content validity or internal consistency validity.
Trait Theory vs. Situationalism
      Most personality tests are primarily based on trait theory, which believes that everyone has traits, the core of oneself that is relatively stable over time. According to Gordon Allport, the founder of personality psychology, traits are generalized response-units to stimuli that reflect one’s personality. In other words, personality consists of a collection of traits. We know one’s traits through behavior such as habits or tendency. If one’s habits are joking, smiling and talking a lot, then extraversion would be the trait that generalizes and includes those relative habits. Because we possess different traits and they vary in their degree, every person is unique for the combination of traits and their degree and we respond to a stimulus differently, producing different behaviors. Between a stimulus and a behavior is a trait, which directs the behavior. For example, if a stimulus is a new friend, one’s behavior can be being shy and nervous or it can be introducing oneself and initiating a conversation immediately. The reason why behavior to the same stimulus varies is because each one of us have different trait, introverted or extraverted in this case. However, trait psychologists cannot predict how an individual will behave in a particular situation because we don’t always behave according to our traits. For instance, you may probably not joke at a funeral even if you are extraverted or you may try to talk a lot to impress a potential customer even if you are introverted. Now, if our behaviors differ from situation to situation, then it must be the situation that determines behaviors, not broad personality traits. This position is called situationalism, first proposed by Walter Michel with the publication of his groundbreaking book Personality and Assessment. Traits theorists, in response, formulated new theoretical perspectives, trying to save the idea of traits. Two of the most significant changes that they have made are aggregation and the notion of “person-situation interaction”. First, aggregation is the process of averaging several single observations to obtain better results of personality traits than a single observation of behavior. There would be days when your cheerful girlfriend may not be cheerful for some reasons. But what matters to you is her behavior over a long term and not her mood on any given day. The practice of aggregation gives traits theorists better results in assessing personality and predicting behavior. Person-situation interaction, on the other hand, can be expressed as follows; B=F (P×S), meaning behavior is a production of the interaction between personality traits and situational forces. This can easily be explained from “If..., if..., then...” statement. For example, if the situation is overwhelming, and if the person is shy, then upset will be the result. Traits theory further proposed some ways personality traits interact with situations. The most important one is “situational selection”, the tendency to select situations in which one finds oneself. Snyder states, “quite possibly, one’s choice of the settings in which to live one’s life may reflect features of one’s personality; an individual may choose to live his or her life in serous, reserved, and intellectual situations precisely because he or she is a serious, reserved, and thoughtful individual.” Situational forces can certainly influence and direct particular behaviors. However, quite frequently, these situations, which produce certain behaviors, are the ones that an individual has chosen with the internal causal properties, reflecting or possibly implying the existence of personality traits. Situational critiques lead to the creation of person-situation interaction and situational selection. But it also made the traits theorist, essentially the personality tests, to admit their defect and invalidity in assessing one’s personality traits though a series of questions. Despite traits theorists’ embracement of situational forces as one of the factors of producing behaviors, inconsistency of behavior across situations still remains in their perspective and personality tests that lack situational forces can hardly get to the core of personality and predict one’s behavior.